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Friday, May 17, 2013

The Crows and the Pigeon

The Crows and the Pigeon

A huge flock of crows became a great nuisance to a farmer. The crows would swoop down on his cornfield and destroy the crop. The angry farmer decided to get rid of them. One day he spread a net in his field. Then he scattered some grain on it.
The crows saw the grain. They came down to eat the grain. They were caught in the net. The farmer was glad to see the trapped crows. He said, "You robbers, now you will meet the end you deserve." Just then he was surprised to hear a pitiful sound of cooing.
So he looked carefully and found a pigeon among the crows.

The farmer said to the pigeon, "How come you are in this gang? Anyhow, I'm not going to spare you have choosen bad company and so you must suffer." Saying so, the farmer whistled to call his hounds. The hounds came and killed all the birds one by one.


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