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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Guards Arrived

Just as Jasmine and Alavuddin were about to kiss, the guards arrived. Alavuddin ran to the edge of the roof and held out his hand to Jasmine.
"Do you trust me?" He asked. She nodded. "Then jump!" he cried.
They landed saftely in a pile of hay, but before they could get away, Razoul grabbed them.
Angrily Jasmine threw back her hood. "Unhand him, by order of the princess!" She commanded.
"The Princess?" repeated Alavuddin in surprise. "i cannot release this prisoner," Said Razoul. "The orders for his arrest come from Jafar."

The Cheating Wife!

The Husband caught Cheating wife as her boy friend end... From Brazil A girl live with her lover, but that gir's husband didnot know about her cheting to his. After a Frock told him about her cheats action to him.

Jump Roping

Jump Roping

Fastest Jump Roiping in 30 Seconds! Are you beat her? I say you may not... She was very intellligent she is roping with in 30 seconds

The Iron Man

His name's "Andres gardin" He has 64 years old. "The double de mario baracus pela coconut dentist!" He is vurikerker that coconut with his teeth fastly for Guiness Record. He was ready from his 11 years old. He was vurithrukerar 500 coconuts with in 6and half hour.

Friday, May 17, 2013

The wolf in Sheep's Clothing

The wolf in Sheep's Clothing

One day a wolf found a sheepskin. He covered himself with the sheepskin and got into a flock of sheep grazing in a field. He thought, "The Shepherd will shut the sheep in a pen after sunset. At night i will run away with a fat sheep and eat it".
All went till the shephred shut his sheep in the pen and left. The wolf waited patiently for the night to advance and grow darker.
But then an unexpected thing happened. One of the servants of the shepherd entered the pen. HIs master had sent him to bring a fat sheep for supper. As luck would have it, the servant picked up the wolf dressed in the sheepskin.
That night the shephred and his guests had the wolf for supper.


The Crows and the Pigeon

The Crows and the Pigeon

A huge flock of crows became a great nuisance to a farmer. The crows would swoop down on his cornfield and destroy the crop. The angry farmer decided to get rid of them. One day he spread a net in his field. Then he scattered some grain on it.
The crows saw the grain. They came down to eat the grain. They were caught in the net. The farmer was glad to see the trapped crows. He said, "You robbers, now you will meet the end you deserve." Just then he was surprised to hear a pitiful sound of cooing.
So he looked carefully and found a pigeon among the crows.

The farmer said to the pigeon, "How come you are in this gang? Anyhow, I'm not going to spare you have choosen bad company and so you must suffer." Saying so, the farmer whistled to call his hounds. The hounds came and killed all the birds one by one.


The Alavuddin

Long ago, Beneath the shimmering stars of a desert night, a fantastic tale began to unfold.
Jafar, adviser to the Sultan of Agrabah, was searching for a lamp hidden in a palce known as the Cave of Wonders.
This magical lamp held within it powerful Genie who could grant three wishes to whoever possessed the lamp. The only way to find the enterance to the cave of wonders was to match two havels of a scarab medallion. The evil Jafar had one half. Now he and his parrot, Iago, waited for a thief named Gazeem to bring the other.

Suddenly they heard the muffled sound of galloping hooves. Moments later Gazeem's horse skidded to a halt.
"Have you brought it?" asked Jafar.
"I have, o patient One," answered Gazeem.

Alavuddin - Gazeem entered

Alavuddin - Gazeem entered

Thrembling, Gazeem entred the tiger's mouth. In an instant its huge jaws clamped shut around him.
"Only one may enter here!" thundered the voice of the Cave. "Seek thee out the Diamond in the rough." With that the cave sank into the sand, leaving only the scarab behind.

"I can't believe it! We'll never get that stupid lamp now!" Squawked Iago after he had retrived the scarab. "Patience, Iago," Said Jafar. He thought for a moment. "The 'Diamond in the rough.' Someone poor and ragged on the outside but pure and noble on the inside. I must find this one", He said with an evil smile.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Temple of Naga Poosani Amman

Nainadevu (Nagadeepa) is a one of the small islands in the north, located at a distance of one hour journey from Jaffna town to the end of the road (Kurikadduwan Jetty) and then, we will go to Boat to reach to Nainadevu. It is a good journey & different enjoyment. It takes about 15 minutes.

This is a one of the cultural place in Jaffna. Nainadevu Nagapoosani Amman Kovil & Nagadeepa Vigaraya is the famous of this place.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Bad plan for vectroy!

The Luis Suarez Bites Branislav lvanivic, is this reason for their vectroy?, I can't belive this! Ipadi saithu taan match kaali win panrankala?

Down Pick-Up

Hey watch their fun, this is prezload downeay pick-up. Ivankaluku ipadi oru seen thevye taana? eaan untha theyve ilatha veli!

Are you Guess this?

Are you guess this this is start or end for fight?, Haa....haa.haaa The street racers race in heavy traffic,Darwin Wins! Hey Ithi paarthu confusse aaiedathinka ithu oru car race poodila taan ipadi oodurankal.

You can do it But when you Try!

The Murilo Pitol unedited for RBSS 2013, Watch this video and see this action with socer bal in samll are. Don't shock when you do exercises for this then you're able to do this simply. Neenkalum muriche saithaal ithu unkalaalum mudium.

The Grapes Are Sour.

One a day a hungry fox came to a vineyard. He Saw Bunches of ripe grapes hanging high on the vines. His Mouth started watering. He stretched out his head to reach the grapes. But he found them rather too high. So he jumped to get at them. Even then he could not reach them.
He jumped again and again till he was completly tired. At least he gave up and left the place. He was heard saying."The grapes are Sour". Who wanths sour grapes?"

"Accept Defeat Sportingly."

The Thirsty Crow.

It was a hot day. A crow was very thirsty. His mouth was dry. His throat was burning.He flew from place to place in search of water. But there was not a drop of water anywhere. Rivers and lakes had all dried up.
At last he saw a jug of water near a house.
He went to the jug and looked into it. There was a little water at the bottom of the jug. The crow could see the water but he could not reach it.
Suddenly an idea flashed on his mind. He picked up stones, one by one from the ground and dropped them into the jug. The water started comingup. Soon the crow could reach it easily. He drank the water. And he cawed happily and flew away.

"Where There Is A Will There Is A Way"

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Lover's Lol!

The grat difficulty with a traveling salesman is that when he returns home for the weekend, his wife looks like a customer to him.
First girl:  "I cover what men admire"
Second girl:  "I cover what men desire".
Third Girl:  "You two are fools. I just enjoy everynight."

Many delight more in presents rather than in paying their doubts. "Not really, Joseph! But how did you get an heiress to marry you?

"Smile I gave her 12 roses on her 27th Birthday." Company present to advertising  manager: "You reduced advertisting budget for the past year cut our expenses 50 per cent, our profit 75 per cent" And as of right now is cutting you  salary 100 per cent."

THE pretty girl entered the doctor's clinic and said, "Well doc, I belive I am losing my mind.....
I just forget what happned to me even five minutes back. And the doctor answered:  "take off your clothes, missm and lie down......."

                                      "You senile old bastared.yesterday you left your hearing aid here!"

The Lover's Joke pt-3

A Prostitute is a one who goes through motions without having any conditions. "What every young man should have?" 'An undressed wife?"  "Why did you marry that old fact acctress?"  "Well you see the advantages are too many..... for instance heat in winter, shade in summer and moving pictures all the year round."

Never put offuntil tomorrow what you can enjoy it again tomorrw. And have you heard about this modern thief who would steel nothing except your wife.
Rosy could't imagine why she was so popular. "Is it my lovely hair?" She asked a friend.
"Is it my cute figure?"
"My personality?"
"Then I give up"
"That's it"

Some girls are music lovers. Other love with out it. A man who gets higher in the night  feels lower in the morning. My wife is so jealous of one that she just closes her eyes when we make lov.....because she can't see me enjoying.

Getting baby into bed becomes the most difficult task as soon as she is sixteen years old. After having it once. She sadi oh darling! it's marvellous delicious delight ful and i asked where have you been," and she said "I've been delayed"
A casual entrant to  a bar :  do you serve women at this bar?" Barman:  "No, you have to bring your own."
A lady reader wrote to us, "your joke books are wonderful! Ienjoy them as much as my husband! And then they say an unfaithful husband is like spitting from the house into the street an unfaithful woman is like spitting from the street into the house..........

HAPPY MARRIED COUPLE:  A husband out with another man's wife. Three nwely weds were talking to each other abouth their firstnight experiences.
First one:  Four times the first night.
Second one:  Sixtimes the first night .
Third one:  Me, just once..... She was not accustomed to it.

Leslie: " Are you going to Jerry's wedding?"
Suzie:  " I didn't even know she was pregnant."

Love and Marriage.
Gotogether like a horse and carriage.

Doctor:  "When do you have sex?
Patient : Monday thuesday, friday and sunday."
Doctor:  "Well to star should eliminate sexon sunday."
Patient:  "I can't Doc. That's my night home,"

                                          " To fill the cavity , please open the mouth still wider,"

The Lover's Jokes pt-2

And Have you heard about this modern saying. "Every dog has his days" "Yes and some have a weakened too."

The newly born baby was named TARGET.... The only reason being..... Evry one who dropped in had a shot over it.
A bank was closed with in just ten days of its starting the business. Following signboard was then fixed outside the bank:  "Opened in Error."

Sergeant(Bursting in during dinner):  "Any complaints?"
Timid Tommy:  If you please, the meat's funny!"
sergeant:  Well then laugh."

The poor bandaged applicant for divorce said:  "My wife isn't safe , judge. She's been throwing things at me ever since we got married."
"And now you come for separation after twenty years?"
"Yes, judge, her aim is getting better!"

Adulterly:  A right woman and wrong man's place.

And then there was queen Minca who murdered all her eight husbands because each one of them statred loving her seriously.
And do you know marriage is just like a packet of have to buy the whole box just to get one little piece.........

"I take the next turn, don't I?" asked the driver of the car.
A muffed reply came from the back seat, "like hell you do."  The hotel  clerk told the bridegroom as they were leaving that the bill for the night was one shilling a piece, so the bridegroom handed him six shillings.

Newly married wife:  How about a trip around the world?
Fewly married Husband: "let's first have one in bed!"

"Are you the real girl i want?"
"I don't know. But it will cost you rs. 100/= to find the truth."

Girl: Darling What do they inspect of you?"
Soldier:  Wheter our pistols are loaded or not."

The fact that sex is so papular because it attratcts everyone.

Jack and jill
went behind the hill
Day and night
Every time was right.

Professor to a 3rd. year student:  "Now, tell me what's the difference betwen a snake and a man."
Student:  "A snake crawls on his belly while a man crawls on any belly he finds vacant."

Customer: I can't eat such a rotten fish, call the propriter."
Waiter:  It's no use, he won't eat it either."

Better late than never,
But can enjoy it ever.

And do you know God gave man fore and he invented fire engines. He gave him love and he invented maiiage.

The Young girl was speaking to her mother. Well mum, the honeymoon turned out so nice that Richard and I've almost decided to get married.

The Lover's Jokes

The most profitable business in the world is SEX. You can sell it as many times as you like and you will still have it.
If you want to make an ideal couple, it is necessary that your wife should be liberal and you progressive.
Young lady: "My husband passed away ten days after our marriage."
Landlord: "Lucky Man indeed! Don't live long to suffer."
Professor: "What does separatre boys from the girls?"
Girl Student:  "A Diaphram."
"Do you see her face?"
"Do you find anything overthere?"
"Oh! You Stupid! It looks like it stood to three men atleast"
And do you know that a couple who takes bath just before going to bed, never returns clean.

"Come on baby, Lets live for tonight," he said, making a play.
"Yes, But suppose we survive?"

Teacher:  "What is it when i say, "I love you, you love me, he loves me?
Student:  "That's One of those triangles where somebody gets shot."

When the young girl was getting married, her mother told her:  Do not be frightned my darling,
It only hurts for a little while...."

The following has probably appeared in one of the leading dailies:
"My Husband and i have six sons. can any one suggest as to how we may have a daughter?"
Letters poured in from all over the world. One letters read:  If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."  Another recommended a special diet. While yet another meerly wrote: Can I Be of any service?"

" Sorry I had no better containers. Bring them back when you come next."

The Monkey's Laugh!

The Monkey Has Insane laugh Video Animal videos. Hey do you know monkey sirikium poothu epadi irukum enu thriuma intha video vi paarthu thrinchu kolunka.

A worm for the first time

Watch this the toddler holds a worm for the first time. Then after ha...haaa...ha watch this fun. Ivalavu sina age ila asivasapaduku assiya? Intha asivathye paartha neenkale arandu pooiduveenka.

FBI Jump

The FBI Fence jump the gate, Neenka ivari adikamal paardu veenkal or adi penkala paarunka ithai

Don't Miss this Video...

Don't miss this video to watch! Because a Chita teachs us about kindness. A chita killed a monkey to food after it feels for killed that. Because a baby monkey in it's her "Vagiru", after that the chita feels for it's works, and hug that baby monkey with kindness. Intha video i paarthavthu aaru arrivu kondum velanku kala thrium mirukankale, ithai paarthavthu thriunthukapa!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Means Of February pt-2

February 4th

Remember that the darkness often veils a mystery and conceals the shape of all the good that is to be... Just keep going breavely on and confident remain until god rolls the shadow back and sends the sun again.

February 5th

Greet Your birthday morning with a bright and smiling face. Turn your little world into a good and happy place. Ask a blessing. pray that you'll be strenggthened, helped and led. Take a new self out upon the road that lies ahead.

February 6th

We do not always reap in every field the sort of crop we hoped that it would yield. But often we have found in time of need we've gathred where we've never sown a seed.

Means Of February pt-1

February 1st

We cannot halt the peace of Time, the clocks go ticking on. When birthdays come along we say "Another Year has gone." But let it go with out regret whatever it has brought. Greet the future with a happy and congurageous thought welcoming another year, believing hope fully that the worst's behind you and the best is yet to  be."

February 2nd

Don't expect a heaven in a world like this. Don't look for prefection or for flawless bliss. Take life as you find it with its joy and pain Bearing with good humour your part of the strain.

February 3rd

Blessings seem to fall upon the joyous and the gay. Fortune is attracted by a smile. lady Luck will join you if you go the sunny way and will walk beside you all the while.

Means Of Month pt-10

January 28th

When you feel that your courge is sagging It's not easy to work up a smile. There are rough bits of road on all journeys, for it couldn't be smooth all the while. But when tempted to think of misfortunes think too of how much you've been blessed. Don't brood on the worst life has brought you, and fail to remember the best.

January 29th

Through the stark limbs of the trees no sap is rising yet. But soon upon the leasfless boughs the blossom will be set. In a way most marvellous that no man can explain. There will be a resurrection. spring will come again.

January 30th

There's time for all you have to do, And time to dream a little too,
But none to spare for sighs and tears Wishing back the bygone years.

January 31st

If you do not try to force the peace of Providence, Time will work things out and with a happy consequence. Difficult your life may be and heard your present plight, But wait before you grumble. Give time time to put it right.

Means of Month pt-9

January 25th

It's the light of happiness when shining in the mind that makes the day look bright to you and life seem good and kind. It's the inner sunshine gives your world a smiling face and helps you see the loveliness behind the commonplace.

January 26th

Do not be discouraged if you don't seem to advance.Do not be downhearted in the face of circumstance. It is not the speed that matters as the road you trace. Be content to jog on at a good and steady pace.

January 27th

We can't undo what has been done and what was said we can't unsay. we can't go back and live again a single hour of  yesterday.
We have to take life as it is and learn to face the present scene never wasting time and thought upon the things that might havebeen.

Vada Pochea with soori

Haa...ha yaaru namakide vaa? This is action of "Paroda" Soori... Vada pochea with soori. paroda soori ate 5o parodas for ruppes hundered quiz. at the movie of "Venila Kapadi klu" antha soori oda ya ivanka moothrathuu.....!

For Money with No Shame

Watch this video and see that woman begging for money with no shame.... This girl cheats the villege for money. kase kadvulapa antha kadvulukm ithu thrium appa, paarunka kasuka ka intha girl panra eaamthu veeliye.

Animals are amazing & funny

Haa...ha watch this funny animals and their actions. When the animals are Amazing and Funny. Nee kale parunka intha animals inda adaksankalium avidena action ium. vagiru kulunka kulunka seripeenkiya parunka and enjoy panunka.

Failure magic trick

Sometimes magic trick gone wrong. Hello evrybody watch this video ifany was happen in this world because sometimes lot of mistakes were happened. Antha vakiyel intha video i paarunk intha magic trick pelichu poochu peliyel. Athu taan solran any may happen in this world.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Means Of Month pt-8

January 22nd

We do not always get the thing we aimed for at the start. The sweet desire of early youth, the dear wish of the heart. But through our disappoinments God's own wishdom we can trace. Something is denied but something better takes its place.

January 23rd

The Best and sweetest things in life are things you cannot buy; the music of the birds at dawn the rainbow in the sky. The dazzling magic of the stars, the miracle of light. The precious gifts of health and strength, of hearing speech and sight.

January 24th

While you're waiting for the future, don't forget to keep in view all the good and the joy that life today can offer you. Go on dreaming of the harvest and of what the year may bring but make the winter yield a blessing while you're waiting for the spring.

Means Of Month pt-7

January 19th

Wishes will not lead you to the things you would possess. Wishes will not bring to you the prizes of success. But work and faith will surely get you where you want to be. Effort and determination spell prosperity.

January 20th

Make a resolution as your birthday dawns once more to be a nicer sort of person than you were before. To be  a little wiser and improve upon the past. And make the coming year a little better than the last.

January 21st

Do not choose the easy talk or seek the safest road. Do not shirk the sharing and the bearing of the load. Obstacles you will encounter on the way ahead but do not shrink from difficulties conquer them instead.

Means of month pt-6

January 16th

Tackle something turly great and aim at something high. You Don't know what you can achive until you really try. Do not be content to take life's joy and pull no weight. Man was made for enterprises glorious and great.

January 17th

Life is what you make it, Bright or gloomy it can be. You mental outlook colors evrything you do and see. your world may wear a dingy air or have a rosy glow. It all depends on what you think, for "thinking make it so."

January 18th

This may be the very day that you've been praying for, The day on which GoodLuck will come aknocking at your door. Bringing you that long awaited opportunity, So greet it in a happy mood of gay expectancy.

Means Of Month pt-5

Jaunary 13th

We are given strength to bear the burdens of each day. Grace sufficent for the hour and  light to see the way. Whether in the vale of  Shadows or on heights sublime, Live your life with hope and courgae. One day at a time.

January 14th

So long as you can party when all your world has gone awry, So long as you can sing when there are rain clouds in the sky. So long as you can cling to hope when luck has passed you by, You will come out smiling in the end.

January 15th

Life Should be a festival of hope and merriment with everyone in high and happy mood. Every day that passes should be well and turly spent and hearts be lifted up in gratitude.

The Baby Elephant & It's Mom.

Hey watch this video what a kindfull battle for rescue baby elephant from well. From africa the both of elephants are a baby elephan and it's mom were going along forest side then accidently baby elephant felldown into the well.At a moment the mom elephant try to rescue her baby, But it can't then a time the tourits help it's and rescue it's baby. What a kindfull help.

The Little Skater

The Surveys Little Skater. Watch this fun the game between a man and a child boy at this moment. Oru Sina payanidam ipadi maani i kaweetraye. Chhhe chhe perutha avamanam thaan ivaruku. Intha fun i paarunka


The Worst rope swing accident ever! Hello every boday are you watch this funny? Inka parunka intha girl ipadi paldi andipoom endu koncham kuuda necharukathu after ena nadaku thu endu neenkale parunka!

Means of Month pt-4

January 10th

This is an imprefect world as you will surely Find and if you would be happy in it you must bear in mind that things are as they are.
Life Can't go always as you plan. You have to work with broken tools and do the best you can.

January 11th

Do not count the yaers but count the blessings they've bestowed. And the many friends that you have made along the road. Do not count the birthdays, let them come and let them go. Time is not your enemy unless you make it so.

January 12th

Believe in the future though dark be the sky. The Storm will pass over. The clouds will roll by. Believe in the though it's hidden from view. For this is the faith that will carry you though.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Means of Month pt-3

January 7th

The World was never meant to be an earthly paradise. We are here to learn the way of love and sacrifice. Here to do the master's bidding servants of his will. With a duty to performe, a purpose to fulfil.

January 8th

God's unfailing goodness is a curent deep and strong. Trust it and you'll find that it. Will carry you along. Take the risk and fling yourself on his omnipotence. Leave the shallows. Get into the streamof providence.

January 9th

Make an adventure of all that you do, Do it with humor and zest, looking at life from the board point of view giving your utmost and best.

Means Of Month pt-2

January 4th

Raise the edifice of life upon foundations strong and sure. Put the best into your task and bild with things that will endure. With the tools of hope and patience fashion something true and fine. Scorning all that would distory the harmoney of your design.

January 5th

Open the windows of my mind that i may catch the morning light. Grant me lord, a wide horizon and a vision broad and bright. Give me eyes to seek for beauty and a heart to understand. Ears to hear the voice of conscience feet to run al love's command.

January 6th

One year older; one year wiser may you prove to be. One year nearer to the thing you've worked for faithfully..... Count each a friend who comes with gifts for  hand and heart a friend who leaves you happier when it is time to part.

Means Of Months pt-1

January 1st

MAY the way that lies ahead be lit with sunny gleams and prove to be the road to the fulfilment of your dreams. May it lead you to the place where lost hopes  are restored where loves is true and life is good and faith has its reward.

Jaunary 2nd

Birthdays are the gate ways of the future, may this one ,Open into pleasant places Out into the sun. Showing you the path way of tomorrow bright and clear. God be  with you at the gate way of the another year.

January 3rd

Do not let the unknown future fill you with dismay. It is in the hands of God, so go upon your way. Trust in him and have no fear. You do not walk alone. He leads the faithful in the dark and careth for his  own.

You Missed Scene from "Titanic"

You Missed Scene From "Titanic" Movie. ATAKAPPAl, Intha video vi paarunk kapa ena nadaku thenu.... Titanic movie la neenka miss panina koncham ithila parunka.

Funny Girl Friend

Watch this funny Girl friend Scare Pranked by Fake her boy friend. Hey intha beauty girl i yaar apa nelathila thali veluthinathu. Intha Funny i koncham parunklaen...

How to Ride...

Haa.hha How not to ride a horse! Hey Intha video o vi paarunka evalavu alerta iruntaalum avarkuu kadichela ena aakuthu enadu! He fell down. Evalavu thaan alert aa iruntaalum nadakurathu taan nadaku.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Bill

Mrs Varma took a chair into the garden and sat on it. She cut an apple and ate it. Then She went into her room and brought a news paper and a book from there. She put them on a table in front of her. A boy came out of Mr.Varma's room. He was Mr Varma's room. He was Mr. Varma's servent. His name was Mr.Moti.
He ran to Mrs. Varma and sood infront of her.
Moti:  Madam, master is lying on the floor in his room. He is dying.
Mrs varma:  What did he see in the room?
Moti:  He saw a bag on the table.
Mrs Varma:  Did he open it?
Moti:  Yes, He did. He took a paper out of the bag and read it. Then he fainted and felldown on the floor. He is lying there , madam.
Mrs Varma:  Oh, don't cry, Moti. Master willbe all right. I bought a sari yesterday. The Paper is the bill.

The Melon market.

A woman got into a taxi and sat in it. The driver was sitting in his friend's shop. He Saw the woman in his taxi  and ran to it. He said, "Good  afternoon," to her and asked, "Where to madam?'' She replied, "Please take me to the Melon Market." On the way, the woman pulled the driver's coat and said, "Please take me to the Melon market.
 I'm not going to the Mango Mraket. Don't take me there". They came to the fish market, and the woman pulled the driver's coat again. She said, "Please take me to the Melon Market. Don't stop here. I'm not going to fish market.
The taxi came to a crossing. The Policeman raised his hand and taxi stopped.The woman put her hand on the driver's shoulder and asked,"Is this the Melon Market"?
The Driver replied ," No madam, It's my Shoulder."

I am not a swimmer.

Budhu ate his dinner and went to his father. His father said to him, "Budhu, go to your father in law's villege.
Your wife is in  her father's house. Bring her from there.
Budhu put on his coat, trousers and shoes, and went out of the house. He met a man on the way and said, "Good morning", to him. The man smiled and said, "Goodmorning", to Budhu.
Budhu:  Are you coming from Mr ganga ram's villege?
The Man:  Yes, I'm coming from that villege. It's Sindhu. It's Ganga's villege, and it's my villege too.

Budhu:  What's your name sir?
The man:  My name is Gomti.
Budhu:  What's your father's name?
The man:  His name is saryu.
Budhu:  And what's your mather's name?
The amn:  Her Name is Krishna.
Budhu:  And what's my mother-in-law's name please?
The man:  Is your mother-in-law Gang's Wife?
Budhu:  Yes,She's Mr Ganga ram's wife.
The man:  Her anme is yumuna. Are you going to  Ganga's house?
Budhu:  Yes, I'm Going there.
The man:  I'll take you there.
Budhu:  No thanks. I won't go. I'm not a swimmer. I'll bring a boat tomorrow and will go there in it.

She Talked & Talked

The teacher stood in front of the class and said, "Girls, I was in the garden yesterday. I saw somebody there.
She sat on a bench and some girls sat on the ground infront of her. She talked and talked and the girls listened  to her. Did you meet her?
Mala: Yes, we met her yesterday.
Bala:  We met her the day before yeatreday too.
Sheela:  And we'll meet her tomorrow too.
Sita:  And She's here today.
Teacher:  Is She in this room?
Rita:  Yes, She's in this room.
Nita: That's right. She's the teacher.

The teacher laughed and laughed, and the girls laughed too. After a short while everybody was quiet. Then the teacher said  "Girls, you forget one thing. One can't talk all the time. A teacher talks a lot in the class,
But she is quiet outside. The Pupils are quit in hte class but they talk and talk and make a lot of noise outside.
So that person could not be a teacher. She was a pupil."

Vijay in Australia

Vijay's Thaliva Sooting spot in Australia. Hey tamil nadu vijay fans and all fans unkaluku oru happy news inka neenka vijanda "Thaliva" sooting spot i australia la nadakurathye in tha video la parkalam.

Goat vs Monkey

y Hey are you watch this fun without laugh? A goat monkey and Sonkey.Nenka ithi seripelamel parpeenkala in tha kuranku serdiye? Oru aadu kuranku and soranku.

The World worst amblance Driver.

Hey watch this fool amulnce drive and effect after his action. the world Worst ambulance driver.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Lion and the Brahman. - Fun Article

The Brahman Saw a lion in a cage. He went there and stood infront of the cage.The lion wept and Said, "Please take me out of this cage. I'll give a cow to you."
The Brahman undid the  lock and opened the door, and the lion came out of the cage. He laughed and said to the Brahaman, "Thankyou, Sir. I'll kill you now.
I'll drink your blood and eat your flesh." The Brahman replied, "We'll go to a judge and tell our story him."
The Lion pointed to a fox and said, "That's the judge He's coming here." The fox came and stood infront of the Barhaman and the lion.
The Brahman told his story him.
Fox:  Was the Barhman in the cage?
Lion:  No, he wasn't. I was in the cage.
Fox:  Where you and the barhman in the cage?
Lion:  No, the Barhamn wasn't in the cage. I was in the cage.

Fox:  Did you put the Barhman into the cage?
Lion:  Oh, you're a fool. I didn't put the Barhamn into the cage. He wasn't in the cage. I was in the cage. I'll Show you.
The lion said these words and walked into the cage, and the Barhamn closed the door and locked it.
The Barhman Said, :Thankyou," to the judge and went ot his village. And the Fox Said, "Good- Bye", to the lion and went into the jungle.
Claver Fox And Foolish Barhman and Lion.

Where Will you Print the papers? - Fun Article

Mr Sharma Came into his class and stood infront of his pupils. He openedhis book, and his pupils opened their books too. He read a story and then asked questions. Then he sat  down in his chair and the pupils closed their books .
Mr Sharma:  Boys, tomorrow is a holiday and the day after tomorrow is your examination. I won't teach now. You ask me questions. Use "Where" in your questions.
Hari:  Where did Prince rama go from ayodhya?
Mr Sharma:  He went inti the forest.
Hari:  Where did ravana take princess sita?
Mr Sharma:  He took her to SriLanka.
Dipu:  Where will  yoube tomorrow, Sir.?
Mr Sharma:  I'll be in my house.
Uupu:  May I ask  a question sir?
Mr Sharma: Yes, you may. What's your question?
Uupu: Where will you print the examintion papers?

Haa.....haaa.haaa Mr Sharma and his Pupils laughed and went out of the class room.

Go to the Devil - Fun article.

Munshi khan went to pandit ram and said, "Pandijith, will you sell your horse to me?, I'll give a hundered rupees to you". pandijith Ram asked, "When will you give a hundred rupees to me?" Munshi khan replied, "i'll give a hundered rupees to you tomorrow." Pandit ram said, "Allright, take the horse to your house. I'll come to to your house tomorrow and get a hundered rupees from you."
The Next Day Pandit ram went to Munshi khan home and said "Please give my hundred rupees to me."
Munshi replied, "I won't give a hundred rupees to you." Go to the Devil."

The Pandit ram went to the judge and told his story him.
Judge:  When did Munshi khan buy the horse from you?
Pandit ram:  He bought it yesterday, Sir.
Judge:  Did he give a hundred rupees to you yesterday?
Pandi Ram:  No, sir, he didn't.
Judge:  Did you go to his house today?
Pandi Ram:  Yes, Sir. I did.
Judge:  Did he retuen thr horse to you?
Pandi ram:  No, Sir, he didn't.
Judge:  What did he say to you?
PAndi ram:  He said, "Go to the Devil."
Judge:  What did you then?
Pandi arm:  I Came to you, Sir.

Judge shocked. ha....haa....what a comedy.

He Esacped...

The offical AHTV Chompy the shark.He Escaped from death velly. But watch after action of him.

Huge Annaconda

From the America's Florida Tour Guide Wrestles Python To death.This is a Huge like look a Annaconda Snake I think this is 6meters lenth.Wow!!!

Coracadile's Breath.

Are you like to watch coragadile and aligator's breathing effect?, Appa Ennai zoo children tamil nuresery rhyme. Watch this fun video about breathing effect.

Maula And Daula

Maula and Dula ate their dinner and went into their bed room. they tok off their clothes and put out the light. Then they lay down on their beds and closed their eyes.

Maula: What's that under your bed, Daula? Get up and look.
Daula:  I won't get up. It's a dog. It was here yesterday and licked it my foot.
Maula: Then put your foot out. It'll lick it.
Daula:  That's right. I'll put my foot out and the dog will lick it.

A theif  was sitting under Daula's bed. He heard these words and smiled. Daula put his foot out and the theif licked it.
Daula:  Maula, The dog is licking my foot.
Maula: All right. Lie in your bed.

Maula and Daula slept in their beds, and the thief took their clothes and boxes out of the room. He closed the  door and took the clothes and boxes to his house.

Monday, April 15, 2013

You're a musican.

A wolf saw a a lamp on the river-bank. He went to the lamp and stood in front of him.

lamb:  Goodmorning, Sir.
Wolf:  Goodmorning, My Child
Wolf:  What's Your name?
Lamb: My name is Koli, Sir.
Wolf:  Where's Your mother?\
Lamb: She is in the jungle, Sir.
Wolf:  Did you say, "Goodmorning," to me yeasterday?
lamb:  I didn't meet you yesterday, Sir.
Wolf:  Did You Say, "Goodmorning," to me today?
Lamb: Yes, Sir, I did.
Wolf:  No You you didn't. You're telling a lie. I'll take you to my cave and eat you tonight.
Lamb: I'll caome to your cave, Sir. Mr Wolf, You're a musican. Am i right a sir?
Wolf: Yes you're right. I'm a musican. Yesterday our king and queen were in my cave. I Sang a song and my wife and children danced. And our King and queen danced too.
Lamb: O Sir Wolf, please sing, and I'll dance. Then we'll go to your cave.

The wolf howled and howled and the lamb danced infront of him.The village dogs heard the noise and ran to the riverbank. They killed the wolf, and the lamb ran to his mother.

Where is our hen? fun article

A man went to a priest. The man's name was Shankat. He Said to the priest, "sir, I Stole a hen from a house yester day. It's in my house now. May I bring it and give it to you? will you take it?
The Priest replied, "No, thank you.I Won't take it. Go and give it to owner."

Shankat: The owner won't take it, sir
Priest: That owner is a fool.
Shankat: You're right,Sir. He is fool.
Priest:  Take the hen to the bazaar and sell it there.
Shankat: Thankyou Sir.I'll take it to the bazaar and sell it.

The priest went to his house.His wife was in the garden.She ran to him and cried."My dear, where's our hen? It is not the house. Where is it?" The priest closed his eyes and replied, "My dear, it's in the bazaar now, and it'll be on a dinner-table tonight."


How Make Rocket?

Do you know How make Rocket? bang goes the theroy of BBC. Ithu Nejamana rocket ilapa. This is only with papercards and gums and thin rods and some elments made this.

Over Seen.

Haa...ha Are you laugh or feel about this action?Best Fail of action in 2013, Ithu ku taan solrathu overa seen i poda pudathu endu, paavam ipa ivari enasairthu? High costly motor bike was distroyed piece of pieces.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Escaped from lorry

Ohhhh! sit suddenly shock both accidents along that oneHe Escaped from lorry, but he can't esacped from another thisone.

The Conjoined Twins,

Naturally Some incidents suddenly held!As same conjoined twins were born in the world. But for leave their surgery was helding ifbut from india beekar place has the childs name of Shaba & Ifbara,were conjoined Twins. But Medicaly said can't leave them simply! So court orderd to medical council give 5000R.s Indian rupees to their parents monthly. Now they have 17years Old.

Is SHe world Lucky WoMan?

The Close Call For Fmale Pedestrain.I think she is a lucky woman for that moment!Watch this video and she gets some things simpley1 She is Lucky.


After "Tuppaki" vijay's film was won famously!This is THALAVIA Iffical Trailer in HD. Actor Vijay acts at the movie of THALLIVA. It mouse among the vijay fans Hero is vijay directir is A.L .Vijay The Heroine for vijay is "amala paul" G.V pirakashkumar is making music. The last section of this movie sooting was helding in Austraila.

PEOple are awsome

Some People are awsome! This is only for enjoy if not any.Watch this video and see tha some people brillent actions and their records in the world.

"Great Father" attacked!

The Brtish former "Great Father" Named for Fourtyfour years "Preddie" Attacked by his wife Now He admited in hospital. This Fight for Hundered Euros purchesed. And they have 12 years old girl childe. And He elected by GMTV British "Great father" awared.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

The King Cobera.

King cobra lives attack!He is a strenght And claver man!Watch his plan and how he captures that terrible king cobera easly!

Think Befor do anything!

Hey wait every second and think well befor do anything!It is difficult to believe that but animals can speak different languages. For example this cat perfect speaks dogs language. Mmm,To tell the truth I do not believe in ghosts but some of the photos are so realistic that I do not feel comfortable.

The Cost of Love.

Are you know about the "live" Price?Just different.Drifting - how not to do it. Wannabe drifter. Russian Style. If any car insurance company would see this they would never insure his car. Your mind will explode when we show you all the best optical illusions on the internet. Good Mythical Morning Episode 260! SUBSCRIBE for daily...

With in 60 Sec.

The Stragiht teeth in under sixty seconds!This is was held within sixtysecond. Ha...Haha, if you cant get your car started the solution is to attack it with a sledgehammer and punish it! That is what crazy Norwegians do when they...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

90 years old Confidance!

The Both of elders running at 90 years old with confidance!The two elder boths are running without tired or fear or any they have run with only confidance at this age!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Grace For a Child!

"Grace For a Child!"

Here a little child I Stand Heaving up my either hand Cold as paddocks though they be  Here I lift them up to thee For a benison to fall On our meat and on us all.
His litany to the holy sprit. In the hour of my distress When tempations me oppress and when i my sins confees sweet spirit comfort me. When I lie within my bed sick in heart and sick in head and with doubts discomfered sweet spirit comfort me.

When the house doth sigh and weep and the world is drown'd in sleep yet mine eyes the watch do keep sweet spirit comfort me.When the artless doctor sees  no one hope but of his fees and his skills runs on the less. Sweet Spirit comfort me. When His potion and his pill Has or none or little skill Meet for nothing but to kill sweet spirit.When the passing bell doth toll And the Furies in a shoal Come to fright a parting soul.
Sweet spirit comfor me.

When a tapers now burn blue and the comforts are few and that number more than true sweet spirit comfort me.When the Priest his last hath prayed And i nod to what is said. Cause my speech is now decayed sweet spirit comfort me.

The Hag!

"The Hag!"

The Hag is astride This night for to ride The devil and she togetherr Throught thick and throught thin Now out and then in Though ne'er  so foul be the weather A thorn or a burr She takes for a spure With a lash of bramble she rides now Through brakes and through briars O'er dithces and mires She follows the spirit tht guides now. No beast for his food Dares now range the wood But hush'd in his lair he lies lurking While mischiefs by these OnLand and on seas Atnoon of night are a-working The strome will arise And trouble the skies This night and more for the wonder The ghost from the tomb Affrighted shall come Call'd out by the clap of the thunder!

Then then me thinks how sweetly flows That liquefaction of her clothes
Next when I cast mine eyes and see That brave vibration each way free O' How that glittering taketh me!

A heart as soft a heart as kind A heart as sound and free As in the whole world thou canst find
that heart I'll give to thee. Bid that heart stay and it will stay To honour thy decree Or bid it languish quite away\ And't shall do so for thee Bid me to weep and i will weep While I have eyes to see And having none yet i will keep A heart to weep for thee.

Whenas in silks my julia goes Then then me thinks how sweetly flows That liquefaction of her clothes
 Next when I cast mine eyes and see That brave vibration each way free O' How that glittering taketh me!

Upon Julia's Clothes.

"Upon Julia's Clothes"

Whenas in silks my julia goes Then then me thinks how sweetly flows That liquefaction of her clothes
Next when I cast mine eyes and see That brave vibration each way free O' How that glittering taketh me!

A heart as soft a heart as kind A heart as sound and free As in the whole world thou canst find
that heart I'll give to thee. Bid that heart stay and it will stay To honour thy decree Or bid it languish quite away\ And't shall do so for thee Bid me to weep and i will weep While I have eyes to see And having none yet i will keep A heart to weep for thee.

Whenas in silks my julia goes Then then me thinks how sweetly flows That liquefaction of her clothes
 Next when I cast mine eyes and see That brave vibration each way free O' How that glittering taketh me!

Then then me thinks how sweetly flows That liquefaction of her clothes
Next when I cast mine eyes and see That brave vibration each way free O' How that glittering taketh me!

A heart as soft a heart as kind A heart as sound and free As in the whole world thou canst find
that heart I'll give to thee. Bid that heart stay and it will stay To honour thy decree Or bid it languish quite away\ And't shall do so for thee Bid me to weep and i will weep While I have eyes to see And having none yet i will keep A heart to weep for thee.

Whenas in silks my julia goes Then then me thinks how sweetly flows That liquefaction of her clothes
 Next when I cast mine eyes and see That brave vibration each way free O' How that glittering taketh me!

To Anthea Who may Command him anything

"To Anthea Who may Command him Anything"

Bid me to live and i'll live Thy protestsant to be Or bid me love and i'll give A loving heart to thee.
A heart as soft a heart as kind A heart as sound and free As in the whole world thou canst find
that heart I'll give to thee. Bid that heart stay and it will stay To honour thy decree Or bid it languish quite away\ And't shall do so for thee Bid me to weep and i will weep While I have eyes to see And having none yet i will keep A heart to weep for thee.

Whenas in silks my julia goes Then then me thinks how sweetly flows That liquefaction of her clothes
 Next when I cast mine eyes and see That brave vibration each way free O' How that glittering taketh me!

A heart as soft a heart as kind A heart as sound and free As in the whole world thou canst find
that heart I'll give to thee. Bid that heart stay and it will stay To honour thy decree Or bid it languish quite away\ And't shall do so for thee Bid me to weep and i will weep While I have eyes to see And having none yet i will keep A heart to weep for thee.

Whenas in silks my julia goes Then then me thinks how sweetly flows That liquefaction of her clothes
 Next when I cast mine eyes and see That brave vibration each way free O' How that glittering taketh me!

Cherry ripe....

"Cherry ripe...."

Cherry ripe,ripe,ripe I Cry Full and Fair ones come and buy If so be you ask me where They do grow? I answer There Where my julia's lip do smile There's the land or cherry Isle Whose plantations fully show
All the year where Cherries grow.

Smooth Anthea for a skin White and Heaven-Like crystalline Sweet Electra and the choice Myrrha for the lute and voice Next Corinna for her wit And for the graceful use of it With perilla all are gone Only Herrick's left alone For to number sorrow by Their departures hence and die.

Cherry ripe,ripe,ripe I Cry Full and Fair ones come and buy If so be you ask me where They do grow? I answer There Where my julia's lip do smile There's the land or cherry Isle Whose plantations fully show All the year where Cherries grow.

I Cry Full and Fair ones come and buy If so be you ask me where They do grow? I answer There Where my julia's lip do smile There's the land or cherry Isle Whose plantations fully show
All the year where Cherries grow.

Smooth Anthea for a skin White and Heaven-Like crystalline Sweet Electra and the choice Myrrha for the lute and voice Next Corinna for her wit And for the graceful use of it With perilla all are gone Only Herrick's left alone For to number sorrow by Their departures hence and die.

Cherry ripe,ripe,ripe I Cry Full and Fair ones come and buy If so be you ask me where They do grow? I answer There Where my julia's lip do smile There's the land or cherry Isle Whose plantations fully show All the year where Cherries grow.

Upon the Loss of his Mistresses.

Upon the Loss of his Mistresses

I Have lost and lately these Many dainty mistresses Starely Julia prime of all Sapho next a principal
Smooth Anthea for a skin White and Heaven-Like crystalline Sweet Electra and the choice Myrrha for the lute and voice Next Corinna for her wit And for the graceful use of it With perilla all are gone Only Herrick's left alone For to number sorrow by Their departures hence and die.

Cherry ripe,ripe,ripe I Cry Full and Fair ones come and buy If so be you ask me where They do grow? I answer There Where my julia's lip do smile There's the land or cherry Isle Whose plantations fully show All the year where Cherries grow.

Smooth Anthea for a skin White and Heaven-Like crystalline Sweet Electra and the choice Myrrha for the lute and voice Next Corinna for her wit And for the graceful use of it With perilla all are gone Only Herrick's left alone For to number sorrow by Their departures hence and die.

Cherry ripe,ripe,ripe I Cry Full and Fair ones come and buy If so be you ask me where They do grow? I answer There Where my julia's lip do smile There's the land or cherry Isle Whose plantations fully show All the year where Cherries grow.

Friday, April 5, 2013



When thou sigh'st thou sigh'st not wind But sigh'st my soul away when thou weep'st unkindly kind My life's blood doth decay It cannot be That thou lovest me as thou say'st If in thine my life thou waste That art the best of me. Let not thy divining heart Forethink me any ill Destiny's may take thy part And may thy fears fulfil But think that we Are but turn'd aside to sleep They who one another keep Alive ne'er parted be.

But since that I At the last must part this best Thus to use myself in jset By feigned deaths to die Yester night the sun went hence And yet is here to-day He hath no desire nor sense Nor half so short away
Then fear not me But belive that I Shall make Speedier journeys since i take More wings and spurs than he. O how feeble is man's power That if good fortune fall Cannot add another hour Nor a lost hour recall But come bad change And we join to it our strenght and we teach it art and length Itself's o'er us to advance!

When thou sigh'st thou sigh'st not wind But sigh'st my soul away when thou weep'st unkindly kind My life's blood doth decay It cannot be That thou lovest me as thou say'st If in thine my life thou waste That art the best of me Let not thy divining heart Forethink me any ill Destiny's may take thy part And may thy fears fulfil
But think that we Are but turn'd aside to sleep They who one another keep Alive ne'er parted be.

Sweetest Love...

"Sweetest Love..."

Sweetest Love I do not go For weariness of thee Nor in hope the world can show A fitter love for me
But since that I At the last must part this best Thus to use myself in jset By feigned deaths to die Yester night the sun went hence And yet is here to-day He hath no desire nor sense Nor half so short away
Then fear not me But belive that I Shall make Speedier journeys since i take More wings and spurs than he. O how feeble is man's power That if good fortune fall Cannot add another hour Nor a lost hour recall But come bad change And we join to it our strenght and we teach it art and length Itself's o'er us to advance!

When thou sigh'st thou sigh'st not wind But sigh'st my soul away when thou weep'st unkindly kind My life's blood doth decay It cannot be That thou lovest me as thou say'st If in thine my life thou waste That art the best of me Let not thy divining heart Forethink me any ill Destiny's may take thy part And may thy fears fulfil
But think that we Are but turn'd aside to sleep They who one another keep Alive ne'er parted be.

The Relic!

"The Relic"

When my grave is brokeup againSome second guest to entertain For graves have learn'd that woman head
To be to more than one a bedAnd she that digs it spiesA bracelet if bright hair about the bone
Will not she let us aloneAnd think that there a loving couple liesWho thought that this device might be some way
To make their souls at the last busy dayMeet at this grave and make a little stayIf this fall in a time or landwhere mass-devotion doth command!



All kings and their favourites All glory of honours beauties wits The sun itself which makes time as they passs
Is elder by a year now than it was When thou and I first one another saw All other things to their destruction draw Only our love hath no decay This no tomorrow hath nor yesterday Running it never runs from  us away
But truly keeps his first last everlasting day Two Grave must hide thine and my corse If one might death were divorce.

When my grave is brokeup again Some second guest to entertain For graves have learn'd that woman head To be to more than one a bed And she that digs it spies A bracelet if bright hair about the bone
Will not she let us alone And think that there a loving couple lies Who thought that this device might be some way To make their souls at the last busy day Meet at this grave and make a little stay If this fall in a time or land.

Love and Time

"Love and Time"

Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments.Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds

Or Bends with the remover  to remove
O" No!It's an ever fixed mark
That looks on tempests, and is never shaken

It is the star to every wandering bark
Whose worth's unknown although
His hight be taken

Love is not time's fool,though rosy lips and cheeks
With in her bending sickle's compass come
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks

But Hears it outev'n to the edge of doom
If this be error, and upon me proved
I Never writ nor no man ever loved.