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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Go to the Devil - Fun article.

Munshi khan went to pandit ram and said, "Pandijith, will you sell your horse to me?, I'll give a hundered rupees to you". pandijith Ram asked, "When will you give a hundred rupees to me?" Munshi khan replied, "i'll give a hundered rupees to you tomorrow." Pandit ram said, "Allright, take the horse to your house. I'll come to to your house tomorrow and get a hundered rupees from you."
The Next Day Pandit ram went to Munshi khan home and said "Please give my hundred rupees to me."
Munshi replied, "I won't give a hundred rupees to you." Go to the Devil."

The Pandit ram went to the judge and told his story him.
Judge:  When did Munshi khan buy the horse from you?
Pandit ram:  He bought it yesterday, Sir.
Judge:  Did he give a hundred rupees to you yesterday?
Pandi Ram:  No, sir, he didn't.
Judge:  Did you go to his house today?
Pandi Ram:  Yes, Sir. I did.
Judge:  Did he retuen thr horse to you?
Pandi ram:  No, Sir, he didn't.
Judge:  What did he say to you?
PAndi ram:  He said, "Go to the Devil."
Judge:  What did you then?
Pandi arm:  I Came to you, Sir.

Judge shocked. ha....haa....what a comedy.

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