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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Sad Lover.

"The Sad Lover"

The earth late chok'd with showers Is now array'd in green Her bosm springs with flowers The air dissolves her teen The haeaven laugh at her glory Yet bide I Sad and Sorry The Woods are deck'd with leaves And trees are clothed gay And florA crown'd with sheaves, with oaken boughts doth play Where I'm  Clad in black The token of my wrack The Birds Upon the trees Do sing with  pleasant voices And Chant in their degrees.Their Loves ANd lucky choices When I whilst they are singingwith sighs mine arms am wringging.
THe thrusehes seek the shade And I my fatal garve Their flight to heaven is made My walk on earth I have
THey free I thrall they jolly I sad and pensive wholly!

That smile  when she treads  on them And My Phillis hath gallant flock That leaps since she doth own them
But phillis hath so hard a heart.Alas that she should have  it As yields no mercy to desert
Nor grace to those that crave it Sweet sun when thou look'st on Pray Her regard my moan;

The haeaven laugh at her glory Yet bide I Sad and Sorry The Woods are deck'd with leaves And trees are clothed gay And florA crown'd with sheaves, with oaken boughts doth play Where I'm  Clad in black The token of my wrack The Birds Upon the trees Do sing with  pleasant voices And Chant in their degrees.Their Loves ANd lucky choices When I whilst they are singingwith sighs mine arms am wringging.
THe thrusehes seek the shade And I my fatal garve Their flight to heaven is made My walk on earth I have
THey free I thrall they jolly I sad and pensive wholly!

That smile  when she treads  on them And My Phillis hath gallant flock That leaps since she doth own them
But phillis hath so hard a heart.Alas that she should have  it As yields no mercy to desert
Nor grace to those that crave it Sweet sun when thou look'st on Pray Her regard my moan;

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