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Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Garden of Adonis.

"The Garden of Adonis"

In that same garden all the goodly flowers, Where with Dame Nature doth  her beauty And Decks the gardlands of her paramors Are fetched there is first seminary Of all things that are born to live and die According to their kinds.Long work it were Here to account the endless progency Of all the weeds that bud and blossom there But so much as doth need must needs be counted here. It sited was in fruitful soil of old,
and Girt in with two walls on either side The one of iron the other of bright gold That none might thorough break, nor overstride And Double gates in had which opened wide By which both in and  out men moten pass Th' one fair and fresh the other old and dried old gineus the porter of them was Old ginius the wich a double nature has!

In that same garden all the goodly flowers,Where with Dame Nature doth  her beauty And Decks the gardlands of her paramors Are fetched there is first seminary Of all things that are born to live and die According to their kinds.Long work it were Here to account the endless progency Of all the weeds that bud and blossom there But so much as doth need must needs be counted here. It sited was in fruitful soil of old,
and Girt in with two walls on either side The one of iron the other of bright gold That none might thorough break, nor overstride And Double gates in had which opened wide By which both in and  out men moten pass Th' one fair and fresh the other old and dried old gineus the porter of them wasOld ginius the wich a double nature has!

According to their kinds.Long work it were Here to account the endless progency Of all the weeds that bud and blossom there But so much as doth need must needs be counted here. It sited was in fruitful soil of old,
and Girt in with two walls on either side The one of iron the other of bright gold That none might thorough break, nor overstride And Double gates in had which opened wide By which both in and  out men moten pass Th' one fair and fresh the other old and dried old gineus the porter of them was Old ginius the wich a double nature has!

In that same garden all the goodly flowers,Where with Dame Nature doth  her beauty And Decks the gardlands of her paramors Are fetched there is first seminary Of all things that are born to live and die According to their kinds.Long work it were Here to account the endless progency Of all the weeds that bud and blossom there But so much as doth need must needs be counted here. It sited was in fruitful soil of old,
and Girt in with two walls on either side The one of iron the other of bright gold That none might thorough break, nor overstride And Double gates in had which opened wide By which both in and  out men moten pass Th' one fair and fresh the other old and dried old gineus the porter of them wasOld ginius the wich a double nature has!

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