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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Lion and the Brahman. - Fun Article

The Brahman Saw a lion in a cage. He went there and stood infront of the cage.The lion wept and Said, "Please take me out of this cage. I'll give a cow to you."
The Brahman undid the  lock and opened the door, and the lion came out of the cage. He laughed and said to the Brahaman, "Thankyou, Sir. I'll kill you now.
I'll drink your blood and eat your flesh." The Brahman replied, "We'll go to a judge and tell our story him."
The Lion pointed to a fox and said, "That's the judge He's coming here." The fox came and stood infront of the Barhaman and the lion.
The Brahman told his story him.
Fox:  Was the Barhman in the cage?
Lion:  No, he wasn't. I was in the cage.
Fox:  Where you and the barhman in the cage?
Lion:  No, the Barhamn wasn't in the cage. I was in the cage.

Fox:  Did you put the Barhman into the cage?
Lion:  Oh, you're a fool. I didn't put the Barhamn into the cage. He wasn't in the cage. I was in the cage. I'll Show you.
The lion said these words and walked into the cage, and the Barhamn closed the door and locked it.
The Barhman Said, :Thankyou," to the judge and went ot his village. And the Fox Said, "Good- Bye", to the lion and went into the jungle.
Claver Fox And Foolish Barhman and Lion.

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