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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Means Of Month pt-2

January 4th

Raise the edifice of life upon foundations strong and sure. Put the best into your task and bild with things that will endure. With the tools of hope and patience fashion something true and fine. Scorning all that would distory the harmoney of your design.

January 5th

Open the windows of my mind that i may catch the morning light. Grant me lord, a wide horizon and a vision broad and bright. Give me eyes to seek for beauty and a heart to understand. Ears to hear the voice of conscience feet to run al love's command.

January 6th

One year older; one year wiser may you prove to be. One year nearer to the thing you've worked for faithfully..... Count each a friend who comes with gifts for  hand and heart a friend who leaves you happier when it is time to part.

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