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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Maula And Daula

Maula and Dula ate their dinner and went into their bed room. they tok off their clothes and put out the light. Then they lay down on their beds and closed their eyes.

Maula: What's that under your bed, Daula? Get up and look.
Daula:  I won't get up. It's a dog. It was here yesterday and licked it my foot.
Maula: Then put your foot out. It'll lick it.
Daula:  That's right. I'll put my foot out and the dog will lick it.

A theif  was sitting under Daula's bed. He heard these words and smiled. Daula put his foot out and the theif licked it.
Daula:  Maula, The dog is licking my foot.
Maula: All right. Lie in your bed.

Maula and Daula slept in their beds, and the thief took their clothes and boxes out of the room. He closed the  door and took the clothes and boxes to his house.

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