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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Grace For a Child!

"Grace For a Child!"

Here a little child I Stand Heaving up my either hand Cold as paddocks though they be  Here I lift them up to thee For a benison to fall On our meat and on us all.
His litany to the holy sprit. In the hour of my distress When tempations me oppress and when i my sins confees sweet spirit comfort me. When I lie within my bed sick in heart and sick in head and with doubts discomfered sweet spirit comfort me.

When the house doth sigh and weep and the world is drown'd in sleep yet mine eyes the watch do keep sweet spirit comfort me.When the artless doctor sees  no one hope but of his fees and his skills runs on the less. Sweet Spirit comfort me. When His potion and his pill Has or none or little skill Meet for nothing but to kill sweet spirit.When the passing bell doth toll And the Furies in a shoal Come to fright a parting soul.
Sweet spirit comfor me.

When a tapers now burn blue and the comforts are few and that number more than true sweet spirit comfort me.When the Priest his last hath prayed And i nod to what is said. Cause my speech is now decayed sweet spirit comfort me.

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