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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Delight In Disorder!

"Delight In Disorder"

A sweet disorder in the dress Kindless in clothes a wantonness A lawn about the Shoulders thrown Into a fine distraction,bands to flow An erring lace, which here and there Enthrals the crimsion stomacher A cuff neglectful, and thereby Ribbands to flow confusedly! A winning wave deserving note In the tempestuous petticoat A Careless Shoe-string in whose tie I see a wild civility. Do more bewitch me, than when art
Is too precise in every part!

 Are beloved of their dams How blest were i if thou wouldst prove me Diaphenia Like the spreading roses That in thy sweets all sweets encloses Fair sweet how i do love thee! I Do love thee as each flower Love the Sun's life -giving power For dead thy breath to life might move me Diaphenia like to all things blesed Zall thy praises are expressed Dear joy how i do love thee As the birds do love the spring Or the bees their careful king Then in requite sweet vergin love me!

A sweet disorder in the dress Kindless in clothes a wantonness A lawn about the Shoulders thrown Into a fine distraction,bands to flow An erring lace, which here and there Enthrals the crimsion stomacher A cuff neglectful, and there bY Ribbands to flow confusedly! A winning wave deserving note In the tempestuous petticoat A Careless Shoe-string in whose tie I see a wild civility. Do more bewitch me, than when art Is too precise in every part!

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