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Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Lover's Jokes pt-2

And Have you heard about this modern saying. "Every dog has his days" "Yes and some have a weakened too."

The newly born baby was named TARGET.... The only reason being..... Evry one who dropped in had a shot over it.
A bank was closed with in just ten days of its starting the business. Following signboard was then fixed outside the bank:  "Opened in Error."

Sergeant(Bursting in during dinner):  "Any complaints?"
Timid Tommy:  If you please, the meat's funny!"
sergeant:  Well then laugh."

The poor bandaged applicant for divorce said:  "My wife isn't safe , judge. She's been throwing things at me ever since we got married."
"And now you come for separation after twenty years?"
"Yes, judge, her aim is getting better!"

Adulterly:  A right woman and wrong man's place.

And then there was queen Minca who murdered all her eight husbands because each one of them statred loving her seriously.
And do you know marriage is just like a packet of have to buy the whole box just to get one little piece.........

"I take the next turn, don't I?" asked the driver of the car.
A muffed reply came from the back seat, "like hell you do."  The hotel  clerk told the bridegroom as they were leaving that the bill for the night was one shilling a piece, so the bridegroom handed him six shillings.

Newly married wife:  How about a trip around the world?
Fewly married Husband: "let's first have one in bed!"

"Are you the real girl i want?"
"I don't know. But it will cost you rs. 100/= to find the truth."

Girl: Darling What do they inspect of you?"
Soldier:  Wheter our pistols are loaded or not."

The fact that sex is so papular because it attratcts everyone.

Jack and jill
went behind the hill
Day and night
Every time was right.

Professor to a 3rd. year student:  "Now, tell me what's the difference betwen a snake and a man."
Student:  "A snake crawls on his belly while a man crawls on any belly he finds vacant."

Customer: I can't eat such a rotten fish, call the propriter."
Waiter:  It's no use, he won't eat it either."

Better late than never,
But can enjoy it ever.

And do you know God gave man fore and he invented fire engines. He gave him love and he invented maiiage.

The Young girl was speaking to her mother. Well mum, the honeymoon turned out so nice that Richard and I've almost decided to get married.

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