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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Farewell to the Faithless -pt2

"Farewell to the Faithless"

Though for to take  It is not my mind, But to forsake  One so unkind,And as I find So will I trust,Farewell, unjust.Can ye say nay,But That you said That I always Should be obeyed? And thus betrayed, Or that I wist, Farewell, unkissed."Is it Possible....."

Diaphenia like the daffadowndilly White as the sun fair as the lily Heigh ho,how i do love thee I do love thee as my lambs Are beloved of their dams How blest were i if thou wouldst prove me Diaphenia Like the spreading roses That in thy sweets all sweets encloses Fair sweet how i do love thee!I Do love thee as each flower Love the Sun's life -giving power For dead thy breath to life might move me Diaphenia like to all things blesed When all thy praises are expressed Dear joy how i do love thee As the birds do love the spring Or the bees their careful king Then in requite sweet vergin love me!

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