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Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Hag!

"The Hag!"

The Hag is astride This night for to ride The devil and she togetherr Throught thick and throught thin Now out and then in Though ne'er  so foul be the weather A thorn or a burr She takes for a spure With a lash of bramble she rides now Through brakes and through briars O'er dithces and mires She follows the spirit tht guides now. No beast for his food Dares now range the wood But hush'd in his lair he lies lurking While mischiefs by these OnLand and on seas Atnoon of night are a-working The strome will arise And trouble the skies This night and more for the wonder The ghost from the tomb Affrighted shall come Call'd out by the clap of the thunder!

Then then me thinks how sweetly flows That liquefaction of her clothes
Next when I cast mine eyes and see That brave vibration each way free O' How that glittering taketh me!

A heart as soft a heart as kind A heart as sound and free As in the whole world thou canst find
that heart I'll give to thee. Bid that heart stay and it will stay To honour thy decree Or bid it languish quite away\ And't shall do so for thee Bid me to weep and i will weep While I have eyes to see And having none yet i will keep A heart to weep for thee.

Whenas in silks my julia goes Then then me thinks how sweetly flows That liquefaction of her clothes
 Next when I cast mine eyes and see That brave vibration each way free O' How that glittering taketh me!

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