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Monday, April 15, 2013

Where is our hen? fun article

A man went to a priest. The man's name was Shankat. He Said to the priest, "sir, I Stole a hen from a house yester day. It's in my house now. May I bring it and give it to you? will you take it?
The Priest replied, "No, thank you.I Won't take it. Go and give it to owner."

Shankat: The owner won't take it, sir
Priest: That owner is a fool.
Shankat: You're right,Sir. He is fool.
Priest:  Take the hen to the bazaar and sell it there.
Shankat: Thankyou Sir.I'll take it to the bazaar and sell it.

The priest went to his house.His wife was in the garden.She ran to him and cried."My dear, where's our hen? It is not the house. Where is it?" The priest closed his eyes and replied, "My dear, it's in the bazaar now, and it'll be on a dinner-table tonight."


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