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Monday, April 15, 2013

You're a musican.

A wolf saw a a lamp on the river-bank. He went to the lamp and stood in front of him.

lamb:  Goodmorning, Sir.
Wolf:  Goodmorning, My Child
Wolf:  What's Your name?
Lamb: My name is Koli, Sir.
Wolf:  Where's Your mother?\
Lamb: She is in the jungle, Sir.
Wolf:  Did you say, "Goodmorning," to me yeasterday?
lamb:  I didn't meet you yesterday, Sir.
Wolf:  Did You Say, "Goodmorning," to me today?
Lamb: Yes, Sir, I did.
Wolf:  No You you didn't. You're telling a lie. I'll take you to my cave and eat you tonight.
Lamb: I'll caome to your cave, Sir. Mr Wolf, You're a musican. Am i right a sir?
Wolf: Yes you're right. I'm a musican. Yesterday our king and queen were in my cave. I Sang a song and my wife and children danced. And our King and queen danced too.
Lamb: O Sir Wolf, please sing, and I'll dance. Then we'll go to your cave.

The wolf howled and howled and the lamb danced infront of him.The village dogs heard the noise and ran to the riverbank. They killed the wolf, and the lamb ran to his mother.

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