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Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Lover's Joke pt-3

A Prostitute is a one who goes through motions without having any conditions. "What every young man should have?" 'An undressed wife?"  "Why did you marry that old fact acctress?"  "Well you see the advantages are too many..... for instance heat in winter, shade in summer and moving pictures all the year round."

Never put offuntil tomorrow what you can enjoy it again tomorrw. And have you heard about this modern thief who would steel nothing except your wife.
Rosy could't imagine why she was so popular. "Is it my lovely hair?" She asked a friend.
"Is it my cute figure?"
"My personality?"
"Then I give up"
"That's it"

Some girls are music lovers. Other love with out it. A man who gets higher in the night  feels lower in the morning. My wife is so jealous of one that she just closes her eyes when we make lov.....because she can't see me enjoying.

Getting baby into bed becomes the most difficult task as soon as she is sixteen years old. After having it once. She sadi oh darling! it's marvellous delicious delight ful and i asked where have you been," and she said "I've been delayed"
A casual entrant to  a bar :  do you serve women at this bar?" Barman:  "No, you have to bring your own."
A lady reader wrote to us, "your joke books are wonderful! Ienjoy them as much as my husband! And then they say an unfaithful husband is like spitting from the house into the street an unfaithful woman is like spitting from the street into the house..........

HAPPY MARRIED COUPLE:  A husband out with another man's wife. Three nwely weds were talking to each other abouth their firstnight experiences.
First one:  Four times the first night.
Second one:  Sixtimes the first night .
Third one:  Me, just once..... She was not accustomed to it.

Leslie: " Are you going to Jerry's wedding?"
Suzie:  " I didn't even know she was pregnant."

Love and Marriage.
Gotogether like a horse and carriage.

Doctor:  "When do you have sex?
Patient : Monday thuesday, friday and sunday."
Doctor:  "Well to star should eliminate sexon sunday."
Patient:  "I can't Doc. That's my night home,"

                                          " To fill the cavity , please open the mouth still wider,"

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