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Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Lover's Jokes

The most profitable business in the world is SEX. You can sell it as many times as you like and you will still have it.
If you want to make an ideal couple, it is necessary that your wife should be liberal and you progressive.
Young lady: "My husband passed away ten days after our marriage."
Landlord: "Lucky Man indeed! Don't live long to suffer."
Professor: "What does separatre boys from the girls?"
Girl Student:  "A Diaphram."
"Do you see her face?"
"Do you find anything overthere?"
"Oh! You Stupid! It looks like it stood to three men atleast"
And do you know that a couple who takes bath just before going to bed, never returns clean.

"Come on baby, Lets live for tonight," he said, making a play.
"Yes, But suppose we survive?"

Teacher:  "What is it when i say, "I love you, you love me, he loves me?
Student:  "That's One of those triangles where somebody gets shot."

When the young girl was getting married, her mother told her:  Do not be frightned my darling,
It only hurts for a little while...."

The following has probably appeared in one of the leading dailies:
"My Husband and i have six sons. can any one suggest as to how we may have a daughter?"
Letters poured in from all over the world. One letters read:  If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."  Another recommended a special diet. While yet another meerly wrote: Can I Be of any service?"

" Sorry I had no better containers. Bring them back when you come next."

1 comment:

  1. Ha......ha....ha...nice picture & jokes.
