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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Where Will you Print the papers? - Fun Article

Mr Sharma Came into his class and stood infront of his pupils. He openedhis book, and his pupils opened their books too. He read a story and then asked questions. Then he sat  down in his chair and the pupils closed their books .
Mr Sharma:  Boys, tomorrow is a holiday and the day after tomorrow is your examination. I won't teach now. You ask me questions. Use "Where" in your questions.
Hari:  Where did Prince rama go from ayodhya?
Mr Sharma:  He went inti the forest.
Hari:  Where did ravana take princess sita?
Mr Sharma:  He took her to SriLanka.
Dipu:  Where will  yoube tomorrow, Sir.?
Mr Sharma:  I'll be in my house.
Uupu:  May I ask  a question sir?
Mr Sharma: Yes, you may. What's your question?
Uupu: Where will you print the examintion papers?

Haa.....haaa.haaa Mr Sharma and his Pupils laughed and went out of the class room.

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